
Worldwide tourism revenues totaled $1.5 trillion final yr | Tourism Income | AFN | Belarusian Information | Republic of Belarus

Worldwide tourism revenues reached $1.5 trillion in 2023, marking a full restoration to pre-2019 ranges in nominal phrases and 97% adjusted for inflation. This follows from knowledge from the United Nations World Tourism Group (UN Tourism).

In accordance with the group, Europe acquired the very best revenue from worldwide tourism – $ 660 billion, which is 7% greater than in 2019 earlier than the pandemic. Income within the Center East elevated by 33%. Final yr America regained 96% of its pre-pandemic income from worldwide tourism, Africa – 95%, Asia-Pacific – 78%.

Moreover, in 2023, GDP from tourism recovered to 2019 ranges. It was estimated at $3.3 trillion, or 3% of world GDP.

As famous, a number of locations achieved wonderful ends in worldwide tourism income within the first quarter of 2024 in comparison with 2019. Amongst them are Serbia (plus 127%), Turkey (plus 82%), Pakistan (plus 72%), Tanzania (plus 62%), Portugal (plus 61%), Romania (plus 57%), Japan (plus 53%) ), Mongolia (plus 50%), Mauritius (plus 46%) and Morocco (together with 44%).