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Office of the President “Major script meeting today to discuss countermeasures against the cargo union strike”

Amidst the cargo unions’ general strike, the President’s Office announced today (28th) that it would hold a large script meeting chaired by Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min and discuss countermeasures.

Deputy Speaker Lee Jae-myung of the President’s Office said in a briefing session yesterday (27th) that damage to the industry is becoming a reality, such as a shortage of ready-mixed concrete due to cement transportation disruptions.

At the same time, he emphasized that the government has no choice but to respond on the side of the people to the immediate threat to the livelihood of the people through the power of the group.

However, this deputy spokesperson said, “It is difficult to pinpoint the timing” and “a detailed discussion is required” as to whether or not the commencement order will be issued.

#Office of the President #Cargo Regiment #Heavy Script #Lee Sang-min

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
