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“Payment” vs “I can’t get it”… Lee Seung-gi – Agency music cost studio


The truth battle between singer Lee Seung-gi and his agency over the issue of ‘settling music usage fees’ is hot.

The agency claimed that it had already settled the details, but Lee Seung-gi’s side refuted that.

Reporter Shin Saerom organizes the battle between the two sides.


Singer and actor Lee Seung-gi is in conflict with the agency he has worked with for 18 years since his debut.

The origin of the conflict is the ‘music revenue fee’.

Lee Seung-gi’s legal representative said, “I have been associated with Hook Entertainment for 18 years since my debut, and I have fully believed and followed (everything) about entertainment activities and settlement,” he said he broke.

Accordingly, on the 15th, they sent proof of content to the agency.

Also, during this process, it was revealed that the agency refused to provide details of the music revenue settlement, saying it was a “minus singer,” and using offensive and threatening words that were difficult to pronounce.

The agency immediately published rebuttal materials.

“When the exclusive contract was re-signed in 2021, both parties confirmed the details of the settlement and wrote an agreement to settle the financial-debt relationship.”

However, Lee Seung-gi’s side refuted again, saying, “The 2021 contract is about 4.7 billion won in real estate investment.”

As the views of both sides are tightly contested, it has been noticed that legal battles will be inevitable in the future.

However, considering the relationship that Lee Seung-gi relied on as ‘family’, it seems that he is still waiting for a “sincere answer from the agency.”

This is Yonhap News TV Shin Saerom. (

#Lee Seung-gi’s agency #Hook Enter Cost of #Lee Seung-gi’s music #legal battle

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
