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7 additional members of the Democratic Party to China… “Cultural exchange purpose”

Following the day before yesterday (12th), 5 members of the Democratic Party of Korea visited China, and tomorrow (15th), 7 additional members of the Democratic Party will board a plane to China.

Seven members of the Democratic Party, including lawmakers Do Jong-hwan, Min Byeong-deok, and Kim Byeong-ju, announced that they would begin a two-night, three-day visit to China on a flight from Incheon to Beijing around 8:20 for tomorrow

In order to expand cultural exchange, the lawmakers plan to meet with the National People’s Congress, the National People’s Congress, and attend an expo held in Tibet on the 17th.

The Democratic Party explained, “Initially, two members of Crym y Popl were invited, but they were unable to attend due to party or personal circumstances.”

Reporter Cha Seung-eun (

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
