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Truss ‘Resignation Announcement’ to replace British Prime Minister, confirmed as early as 24th

British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her resignation 44 days after taking office, raising the possibility that a new Prime Minister could be announced as early as the 24th.

The ruling Conservative Party intends to speed up the process of having the party’s presidential primary to become the next prime minister.

As a result of candidate registration, which closes at 2 pm on the 24th local time, if there is only one qualified candidate, the candidate will be immediately elected as the next prime minister and party leader without any other procedures.

If there are two or more candidates, the next Prime Minister will be decided on the 28th by a parliamentary vote.

Some, led by the Labor Party, the main opposition party, are calling for an early general election.

#Leeds_Truss #British Prime Minister #Resignation

Yonhap News TV Article Inquiries and Reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23
