
Yoo Young-jae’s “Three Marriages” Revelation: Shocking Details Uncovered

Seonwoo Eun-sook, Yoo Young-jae / Provided by Starit Entertainment Suspicions of ‘three marriages’ were raised against Yoo Young-jae, who recently announced the news of divorce from actor Seonwoo Eun-sook after one year and 6 months of marriage

On the 8th, the YouTube channel ‘Entertainment According to President Lee Jin-ho’ posted a ‘Shock Exclusive! There was no remarriage. A video titled ‘Yoo Young-jae’s past that even Seonwoo Eun-sook didn’t know about’ was posted.

In the video, Jin-ho Lee said, “After additional confirmation, we confirmed that Yoo Young-jae did not remarry. After checking the facts, Yoo Young-jae’s marriage to Seonwoo Eun-sook was not a remarriage, but third marriage.”

He continued, “After divorcing my first ex-wife, I remarried a golfer. This was also the reason why I was so interested in golf.” “But my marriage to this woman did not last long,” he said. “After divorcing the second wife, I enjoyed life as a single person, and through this process, I maintained a very deep relationship with Mr A, who worked as a writer on a radio broadcast, for a long time.” “He said.

Lee Jin-ho said, “I checked with my acquaintances to see if Yoo Young-jae informed Seon Woo Eun-suk that they were in a marriage of three,” and added, “But the acquaintances also said they had no idea about the details. “

He continued, “Seonwoo Eun-sook also revealed to her acquaintance that Yoo Young-jae is remarrying, so it’s very likely that she didn’t know this fact.” He added, “Mr. , and divorced his first ex-wife and remarried a golfer for the second time.” He went through a divorce, and the third person was in a very deep relationship with Mr A, who claimed to be a writer for the radio show he hosted, and it was through this meeting that his marriage to Seonwoo Eun-sook went ahead ,” he explained.

Previously, when the news of Seonwoo Eunsuk and Yoo Youngjae’s divorce broke, Lee Jin-ho said through his channel that he had been in a common-law relationship with A, a woman who worked as a radio writer, until just before September 1, 2022 , when Yoo Youngjae registered his marriage with Seonwoo Eunsook. The ‘two-legged theory’ has been introduced.

Meanwhile, Seonwoo Eunsuk and Yoo Youngjae announced their marriage in 2022. The two, who met through acquaintances at the time, developed their faith under the common belief that they were both Christians, and soon decided to get married. They made headlines by announcing that they registered their marriage one month before the announcement of the marriage.

However, on the 5th, the couple announced their divorce after 1 year and 6 months of marriage. An official from Sunwoo Eun-sook’s agency, Star It Entertainment, briefly told News 1, “The couple recently divorced by mutual agreement,” adding, “The reason for the divorce was personality differences.”

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