
Yoon Seok-yeol’s side accused Jo Sung-eun and Park Ji-won… “Violation of the National Intelligence Service Act and the Public Official Election Act”


The allegation of ‘accusation’ by former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol was noisy all weekend. Jo Sung-eun revealed that the vice chairman of the election committee of the Future United Party at the time was the informant and interviewed several times. As former Vice Chairman Cho was known to be close to National Intelligence Service Director Park Ji-won, the opposition launched an all-out offensive. He also claimed that it was ‘Park Ji-won’s gate’ and interfered with the election. Director Park Ji-won’s objection was also raised. The related news was organized by Ryu Jeong-hwa, the head of the situation office.


[조성은/제보자·전 미래통합당 선대위 부위원장 (JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ / 지난 10일) : 대검 민원실에 접수를 하십시오, 절대 중앙지검은 안 됩니다. 이게 순서였죠. 그게 정확한 표현인 거 같습니다.]

The informant of the suspicion of ‘indictment’ was the vice-chairman of the Future United Party’s Election Countermeasures Committee at the time. In the JTBC newsroom, he revealed himself as a whistleblower. On April 3 and 8 of last year, Kim Woong, a candidate for the National Assembly at the time, said that he had handed over the complaint letter and real name judgment, and even gave specific instructions to file it with the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, not the Central Prosecutor’s Office. At that time, he was trying to avoid former President Yoon and Lee Seong-yoon, the head of the Central Prosecutor’s Office, who had a hard time.

[조성은/전 미래통합당 선대위 부위원장 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : 대검민원실이라는 단어가 사실은 이상한 말입니다. 보통 (대검) 대변인실이나 아니면 어떤 총장이나 이런 간부급 인사와 접촉을 하는 게 일반적인데 대검민원실에 이거를 갖다 내라고 하는 것이 사실 조금 이상하다고 생각했고요.]

However, an unexpected person appeared in the suspicion of this ‘indictment’. I am Park Ji-won, director of the National Intelligence Service. It is known that former Vice-Chairman Cho is close to Director Park. The two were members of the People’s Party and the Democratic and Peace Party together. The Democratic Party has argued that the ‘Suk-Yeol Yoon Gate’ is a ‘gateway’ and that former President Yoon is a ‘political craft’ over the suspicion of this ‘indictment’ He claimed that it was ‘intervention in the National Intelligence Service’s election’. It raises suspicions that Director Park is behind former Vice Chairman Cho.

[장제원/윤석열 캠프 종합상황실 총괄실장 (어제) : 제보자 조성은 씨는 평소 박지원 원장에 대해 절대 신뢰관계가 있음을 공공연히 드러냈습니다. ‘역사를 가까이서 바라보고 경험하기에는 박 대표 곁이 VIP석’이라고 말할 정도였습니다. 제보자 조성은 씨는 박지원 원장의 사실상의 ‘정치적 수양딸’과 다름이 없습니다. 그런 두 사람이 이 시점에 만나 무엇을 논의했는지는 삼척동자도 알 수 있을 겁니다.]

It is said that former Vice Chairman Cho had a meal with Director Park on August 11th. It was reported to ‘News Bus’ around July 20, and the report was reported on the 2nd. The People’s Power demanded that it be revealed whether there was a meal with Director Park between the report and the report, and whether there was anyone present.

[김기현/국민의힘 원내대표 (어제) : 제보자라고 하는 조성은이 왜 그 제보 후에, 언론 보도 이전에 박지원 국정원장을 만났는지 도저히 납득할 수가 없습니다. 이 두 사람이 만난 장소는 서울의 최고급 호텔이라고 하고, 가장 비싼 식당이라고 합니다. 밥값이 얼마나 들었는지, 그 비용은 누가 지출했는지 박지원 국정원장에게 확인해 줄 것을 요구합니다.]

Former Vice-Chairman Cho drew a line that he had never discussed the suspicion of ‘accusation’ with Director Park. Director Park, who had been in the Judiciary Committee for a long time, knew that he was also close with former President Yoon, so he said, “I couldn’t discuss it at all.” He said, “The story that Director Park is behind is an absurd and malicious frame.” When I appeared on SBS yesterday, I made a controversial remark saying that there was no one present at the dinner.

[조성은/전 미래통합당 선대위 부위원장 (어제 / 화면출처: 유튜브 ‘SBS 뉴스’) : 사실 이 9월 2일이라는 날짜는 우리 원장님이나 제가 원했던 거나 제가 배려 받아서 상의했던 날짜가 아니거든요. 그냥 이진동 기자(뉴스버스 발행인)가 ‘치자’, 이런 식으로 결정을 했던 날짜고…]

The first report of the ‘News Bus’ on September 2nd was not the date we discussed with Director Park, but it gives off the nuance of discussing the report itself. The people’s power immediately launched an offensive. According to the National Intelligence Service Act, Lee Jun-seok, the head of the National Intelligence Service, cannot intervene in politics.

[이준석/국민의힘 대표 : 아니면 이 건에서 혹시 제가 모르는 산업 스파이라도 있습니까? 아니면 북한 간첩이라도 개입되어 있습니까? 왜 이런 사안의 보도에 있어서 국정원장이 원하는 날짜 이야기 나오는지 궁금할 수밖에 없습니다.]

CEO Lee also took issue with the situation in which the telegram message in question was captured around August 11, when the two met. Director Park also asked me to come forward and explain.

[이준석/국민의힘 대표 : 박지원 국정원장이 모종의 코칭을 한 것이 아닌지 의심할 수밖에 없습니다. 이 모든 것이 박지원 국정원장의 입장에서는 까마귀 날자 배 떨어진 상황일 수도 있습니다. 그런데 이렇게 배가 우수수 떨어지는 상황이라면 진짜 까마귀가 배를 쪼아 떨어뜨린 것이 아닌지 이제 까마귀도 해명을 해야 될 그런 상황입니다.]

Former Vice-Chairman Cho dismissed the remarks related to the report date of ‘September 2’ as a response to ‘talking the tail’. I explained that it was a rebuttal to putting the frame of ‘peacock’ on the basis of ‘date’ by the opposition.

[조성은/전 미래통합당 선대위 부위원장 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : 일단 제가 누구 말을 잘 듣거나 상의를 하지 않는 성격입니다. 박 원장께서 계속 그 날짜에 아니면 이 보도에 관해서 어떤 공작이 있었다, 이런 취지로 계속 주장을 하잖아요. 그런데 보도뿐만 아니라 내용 자체도 상의한 바가 없는데 그걸 어떻게 그거를 알 것이며…]

The People’s Power Intelligence Committee held a press conference calling for the resignation of Director Park, who was accused of ‘political intervention’ and ‘political manipulation’. He also argued that an intelligence committee should be held to check whether the meal expenses were used as special expenses or whether the director was invited to the official residence.

The Yun Seok-yeol camp reported former Vice-Chairman Cho and Director Park to the Ministry of Air Transport. He was accused of violating the National Intelligence Service Act, the Public Official Election Act, and the Information and Communications Network Act, saying, “I conspired to spread false information through ‘News Bus’.” He also aimed at President Moon Jae-in to replace the cabinet with an election-neutral cabinet.

[장제원/윤석열 캠프 종합상황실 총괄실장 : 현직 민주당 의원인 법무부 장관 박범계, 현직 민주당 의원인 행안부 장관 전해철, 대표적 친정권 인사인 김오수 검찰총장, 김진욱 공수처장, 김창룡 경찰청장, 정연주 방송통신위원장 등 이러한 인사들로 구성된 대선 관리 내각이 공정한 선거를 할 것이라고 믿는 국민은 아무도 없습니다. 이들을 즉각 사퇴시키고 중립적 인사로 교체하여야 합니다. 문재인 정부는 이러한 국민적 의심을 해명하고 다음 대선을 공정하게 치러야 합니다.]

On the other hand, the Democratic Party denounced the so-called ‘Park Ji-won Gate’ as “a water-based offensive to cover up the essence of the national flag disorganization case.”

[송영길/더불어민주당 대표 : 사건의 진상과는 무관한 공익 신고자와 박지원 원장의 식사 자리를 꼬투리 삼아 국정원 개입 운운하는 엉터리 3류 정치 소설을 쓰고 있습니다. 메시지를 반박할 수 없으면 메신저를 공격하라는 아주 전형적인 구태 정치입니다.]

The power of the people continued to struggle with the Airborne Service over the weekend. The question of the search and seizure of Assemblyman Kim Woong’s office last Friday. Rep. Kim protested that the search and seizure of the member’s office did not follow due process, and it was stopped. The People’s Power has been accused of accusing prosecutors and investigators of the Airborne Service.

[김웅/국민의힘 의원 (지난 10일) : 의원회관에 대한 압수수색은 완전한 불법 압수수색이고, 이건 사실상 기망에 의해서 야당 정치인이 작성됐던 그 자료들을 훔쳐 가기 위한 거의 모략극이 벌어지고 있었습니다.]

The core of the conflict between the people’s power and the air traffic control is ‘stained water’. The People’s Power took issue with the fact that the Ministry of Airborne Affairs tried to search and confiscate by entering unrelated keywords such as ‘Osu ‘motherland’ Miae’ on the computer in the parliamentary’s office. It is a “special investigation and illegal seizure and search” that tried to take materials related to ‘Prosecutor General Kim Oh-soo’. The Ministry of Air Transport countered that this ‘Ohsu’ was the name of Deutsche Motors ‘Chairman Ohsu Kwon’, who is suspected of being involved with Kim Kun-hee, the wife of former President Yoon. The Air Transport Department personally went to a back briefing and said that there was no problem, and that they are considering filing a complaint for obstruction of business. The Democratic Party said that the People’s Power lawmakers who interfered with the search and seizure were ‘illegal’. The People’s Power criticized the Airborne Service for revealing its true colors.

[윤호중/더불어민주당 원내대표 : 영장 집행을 위력으로 방해하는 것은 명백한 불법 행위입니다. 야당은 지난 주말에도 압수수색 방해를 위해서 의원들을 김웅 의원실에 비상대기 시켰습니다. 진실 규명을 가로막는 야당의 영장 바리케이드, 이제 치워주시길 바랍니다.]

[김기현/국민의힘 원내대표 : 조희연 수사는 야당 수사처 활동 개시를 위한 구색 맞추기였고, 공수처가 정권으로부터 부여받은 본래의 임무를 본격 개시했다고 판단됩니다.]

The Jo Hee-yeon investigation was a match for the start of the opposition investigation agency’s activities, and the original duty granted by the government to the airborne agency began in earnest.

A number of issues are being raised, but the key is whether the former president, Yoon Jun-seong, a close associate, wrote and delivered a complaint to Rep. Kim Woong during his tenure as president. Former Vice-Chairman Cho, the informant, responded to several interviews today. Today, it is said that there is evidence that Son Jun-sung of ‘Send Son Jun-seong’ is the then Prosecutor Son Jun-seong, the chief investigative information policy officer at the time. I do not have the contact information of Prosecutor Sohn, so when I click on Jun-seong Son’s profile of ‘Send Jun-seong Son’, ‘Unknown’ appears. will. He also said that he had already revealed this fact during the investigation process of the Airborne Service and the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.

[조성은/전 미래통합당 선대위 부위원장 (MBC ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : 겹치는 정도가 아니라 저는 손준성 검사의 연락처가 없습니다. 그런데 이제 어떤 법조 기자님은 갖고 계셨겠죠. 제가 그 링크를 보냈을 때 봤는데 손준성 검사, 그 번호가 이미 있는 걸로 뜨는 겁니다. 그러니까 동일한 사람인 거죠. 그 번호가 있던 사람들은 본인이 맞네, 단순히 사진의 동일성이 아니라 연락처나 개인정보 동일성까지 확인을 한 거죠.]

President Park Ji-won said in a phone call with a media outlet that “the opposition party is lying,” and denied that he had ever given any advice to former vice chairman Cho. He said that the opposition was ignoring the essence of the case and countered, “I’m trying to make a person who is not a minor actor into a lead actor.” It seems that former President Yoon’s side is trying to tie the whistleblower, former Chairman Cho and Director Park, and make a scratch. I even filed a complaint with the Airborne Service, but I’ll go into all the relevant details and talk more about it.

Today’s presentation is organized as follows.