
Younger man dies in San Juan de los Morros throughout “exorcism”

Within the sector of La Esperanza, within the parish of San Juan de Los Morros, municipality of Juan Germán Roscio Nieves, state of Guárico, a 20-year-old younger man, Whiston Gabriel Matute Franco, misplaced his life throughout an “exorcism” held within the church. 3:16.

Brokers from the Scientific, Felony and Felony Investigation Corps (Cicpc) defined the occasions that passed off on Might 17 and arrested these accountable.

In response to the investigations carried out by the Coordinating Commissions for Investigations of Crimes Towards Individuals of the Municipal Delegation of San Juan de Los Morros, the sufferer was transferred from Villa de Cura, state of Aragua, to Guárico.

Since his mom’s demise, Whiston had exhibited aggressive behaviour, which led his kin to consider he was “possessed of an evil spirit.”

Within the 3:16 church, Whiston was locked in a room meant for religious deliverance.

There, Silvestre Agraz, aged 79, Alexander Celis, aged 57, Miguel Sanz, aged 59, Pedro Yánez, aged 30, and Jhoser de Freitas, aged 27, started to carry out prayers to expel the supposed evil spirit.

Nevertheless, the younger man grew to become violent and people current selected to subdue him, urgent his face towards a mat with artificial materials.

Tragically, Whiston died throughout this ritual. These accountable assumed that he merely “fell asleep” and returned the subsequent day, discovering Matute Blanco’s physique.

Later, the post-mortem carried out by the Nationwide Service of Drugs and Forensic Sciences (Senamecf) revealed that the reason for demise was mechanical suffocation as a result of suffocation.

In that sense, the case was transferred to the arms of the Prosecutor of the twenty first Workplace of the Public Administration for the suitable course of.