
Youngest Person in Thai Sangha History Passes Pali 9 Exam: Meet the 17-Year-Old Novice Monk

A 17-year-old novice monk has successfully passed the Pali 9 exam, making him the youngest person in the history of studying the Pali language by the Thai Sangha.

On March 30 at Sam Phraya Temple Sanam Luang Bali Division Sanam Luang Pali exam results for the year 2024 for sermon major level were announced, including Prathom 9 sentences with 76 passages, Prathom 8 sentences with 165 Prathom 7 steps and sentences with 226 steps.

For students who have passed the exams to receive the 9th grade, i.e. Wat Molilokayaram School. A total of 25 monks and novices passed the exam, including seventeen-year-old novice monk Phanuwat Kongthungmon, making him the youngest novice monk in the history of studying the Pariyatti Dhamma. Piling Department of the highest level

Samanera Phanuwat and Phra Thammarachanuwat (Sutthat Woratsi, PD9, Ph.D.), abbot and head of the school of Wat Molilokayaram.

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