
[정치]Lee Jae-myung’s ‘wife fell’ cancels schedule… 2030 votes are vital


Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung, who continued to communicate with young people, canceled today’s schedule due to his wife’s fall.

After taking care of his wife for a day, Lee is expected to return to the presidential election schedule and start collecting votes for 2030.

Reporter Choi Ah-young reports.


The news of Candidate Jae-myung Lee’s schedule cancellation was delivered about an hour before the first schedule.

The Democratic Party said that his wife, Hye-kyung Kim, fainted from overwork at home around 1:30 a.m. and underwent surgery to suture the torn area, so the candidate decided to take care of him.

Lee, who was scheduled to discuss virtual assets with a young man that day and meet a young firefighter on Fire Day, apologized for suddenly canceling the schedule, adding that she wanted to be a husband before becoming a presidential candidate.

In the midst of this, the Democratic Party announced the third election of the Election Countermeasures Committee, in which all 163 lawmakers participated.

In particular, in order to communicate with the MZ generation, members of the 2030 generation were concentrated on the ‘Youth Platform’, which was organized under the direct control of the candidates.

This candidate seems to be focusing on attacking the younger generation.

Earlier, I shared an article analyzing the reasons why men in their 2030s support Rep. Hong Jun-pyo, the Power of the People, to the previous generation.

Most of the schedule is focused on communication with young people, and in fact, we are continuing our activities with one young person a day.

We are also closely monitoring the procession of the 2030 Party members leaving the party due to the aftereffects of the People’s Power election.

[우원식 / 더불어민주당 공동선대위원장 (KBS 라디오 ‘최경영의 최강시사’) : 홍준표 후보에게 몰려 있던 젊은 표심이 윤석열 후보한테 쉽게 가기는 어렵지 않겠나 이렇게 보이는데 탈당 이야기도 있고….]

After taking care of his wife for a day, Lee plans to return to the presidential election schedule and focus on communion with the youth.

This is YTN Choi Ah-young.

YTN Choi Ah-young (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
