
[경제]Egg and chicken prices fluctuate due to the spread of AI… “Stable supply and demand”

18 farms infected with AI this year… 500,000 kills
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs “All-time high for laying hens…limited price impact”
“Crackdown on hoarding … Import of laying hens depends on the situation”
Egg prices rose last year… Import tax exemption for fresh eggs


Egg and chicken prices have recently fluctuated as concerns over the spread of highly pathogenic bird flu grow.

The government emphasized that the supply and demand situation for livestock products is still stable, and that it will monitor the disease situation closely to ensure that there is no supply uncertainty.

This is reporter Yoon Hae-ri’s report.


This is a chicken stand for Baeksuk.

In order to buy a product that is even penny-cheap, you have no choice but to check the price carefully.

[김미옥 / 서울 신사동 : 지난해와 비교하면 닭고기 가격이 좀 오른 것 같아서 이것저것 가격을 좀 보고 있었어요. 닭고기를 일주일에 두 번 정도 먹기 때문에 가격이 부담되죠.]

Not only chicken prices, but also the price of a carton of eggs has skyrocketed, increasing the price burden on shopping carts.

[유윤선 / 서울 무악동 : 5∼10% 정도 상승한 것 같아요. 가격이 오르면 내린 것보다 장바구니 물가 부담에도 확실히 영향이 크죠.]

In fact, the price of a pack of 10 eggs rose 6% from last month to 1,670 won, and the price of raw chicken also jumped 13%.

Since the outbreak of highly pathogenic AI last month, the number of infected farms has increased to 18 in one month, and the price is fluctuating as 500,000 laying hens and broilers are disposed of.

[김정욱 / 농림축산식품부 김정욱 축산정책국장 : 최근 고병원성 AI 확산을 우려하는 수급 불안 심리 등으로 인해 산란계 농가에서 희망 수취 가격을 올리고 유통업체의 재고 확보 수요가 증가함에 따라 달걀 가격이 상승세를 보이고 있습니다.]

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs predicted that the number of broilers this year would be a record high, and that the effect on egg prices would be limited.

In addition, in order to prevent uncertainty of supply and demand, the plan is to tackle the hoarding of eggs by distributors, and to import chickens and eggs from laying hens and supply them to farms depending on the situation.

Previously, in January last year, when egg prices increased due to the spread of AI, the government expanded the amount of imports and tariffs temporarily exempted.

Regarding the increase in milk prices, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said, “It is a global trend caused by an increase in international grain prices and inflation,” and predicted that the chain effect of the increase in bread prices would and coffee is limited.

This is YTN Haeri Yoon.

YTN Haeri Yoon (

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