
[국제]China-Russia Foreign Ministers First Meeting After Invasion of Ukraine “Strengthening Cooperation”

China-Russian foreign ministers meet for the first time after invasion of Ukraine
China removes ‘accusation of Western sanctions against Russia’ from announcement
Russia’s inflation rate soars to 15.5% in the aftermath of sanctions


The Chinese and Russian foreign ministers met for the first time after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and pledged to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

However, there was no concrete plan to support Russia.

Reporter Ho Jun-seok reports.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov met separately during the “Afghanistan Foreign Ministers’ Meeting” held in China and announced that the two countries would further strengthen cooperation in each field.

[세르게이 라브로프 / 러시아 외무장관 : 우리는 중국과의 관계가 지속 가능하고 일관되게 발전되기를 희망합니다. 푸틴 대통령과 시진핑 주석도 같은 뜻입니다.]

Although they pledged to strengthen cooperation with the attention of the West, China did not include in the announcement of the results of the talks a criticism of the West’s sanctions against Russia, so it adjusted the level of its own.

[왕원빈 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 중러 협력에는 상한선이 없습니다. 평화를 추구하고 안보를 유지하며 패권을 거부하려는 우리의 노력에는 상한선이 없습니다.]

Director Wang Yi fiercely criticized the West, saying that the Ukraine issue was the result of Cold War thinking and camp confrontation, but there was no discussion on concrete support measures expected by Russia.

In the midst of this, as the value of the Russian ruble plummeted in the face of economic sanctions, Russia’s inflation rate soared to 15.5% in the fourth week of March.

Germany’s inflation rate soared to 7.3%, the highest in 40 years, and the aftermath of economic sanctions began to spread to Western countries as well.

This is YTN Ho Jun-seok.

YTN Ho Jun-seok (

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