
[국제]Okinawa, Japan, 50th anniversary of return… Growing tension in China’s ‘frontline’

Battle of Okinawa in 1945… Sacrifice of 200,000 people including residents
Return of Okinawa to Japan on May 15, 1972
50th anniversary of return… 70% of US bases in Japan concentrated in Okinawa

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Okinawa, the largest battleground between the United States and Japan during World War II, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the return of Japan to Japan.

Tension is growing instead of a celebration atmosphere due to the US-China conflict and the dispute over sovereignty over the Senkaku here, which is the front line facing China.

Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah from Tokyo reports.


The Battle of Okinawa between the United States and Japan continued for three months from April 1945.

About 200,000 people, including about 120,000 residents, were killed in indiscriminate attacks by the Kamikaze commandos.

After 20 years of American occupation, Okinawa was returned to Japan.

Even 50 years later, Okinawa is still living with the US military.

Less than 1% of Japan’s total territory is where 70% of US military installations in Japan are concentrated.

[다마키 데니 / 일본 오키나와 지사 : 반환 50주년이 경과했지만 오키나와에 지나치게 집중돼 있는 미군 기지에 대한 부담이 해결되지 않고 있습니다. 이런 구조 그 자체가 문제로 남아있습니다.]

In front of Okinawa lies the Taiwan Strait, the forefront of the US-China conflict, and the Senkaku Islands, which are in dispute over sovereignty.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are increasing their base here in a sense of crisis as Chinese government ships come and go almost daily on the Senkaku Islands.

Opposition residents complain of unrest.

[시미즈 하야코 / 오키나와 미야코섬 주민 : 이 작은 섬에 기지가 생기는 것으로 인해 안전이 지켜지는 것이 아니라 오히려 공격 대상이 되고 결코 평화로 이어지지 않는다고 생각합니다.]

The average income of Okinawans is the lowest among Japan’s 47 metropolitan municipalities.

This is because problems caused by the concentration of US military bases, such as frequent accidents and environmental pollution, are hindering economic development.

The Okinawa governor has suggested to Prime Minister Kishida that the US military base in Futenma be relocated to another area and that the US-Japan status agreement be reviewed.

However, the Japanese government plans to relocate to Henoko, Okinawa, as scheduled.

[기시 노부오 / 일본 방위성 장관 : 안전 보장상 대단히 중요한 위치에 있는 오키나와에 미군이 주둔하는 것은 미일 동맹의 억지력에 있어 중요한 요소입니다.]

In the international situation where confrontation takes precedence over dialogue, the day when Okinawa returns to an island of peace seems far away.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

YTN Kyungah Lee (

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