
[국제]Taliban brutally murders Vice President Saleh’s brother

The Taliban have executed Saleh’s older brother, Ohula Ajiji, in retaliation against First Vice President Amrula Saleh, who led the resistance. After the Taliban executed Ohula Ajiji, it is known that the burial was not allowed.

According to Reuters on the 11th, the Taliban seized a stronghold of resistance forces, found and executed Vice President Saleh’s brother. The day before, Vice President Saleh’s nephew sent a text message to the reporter stating that “they killed his uncle and prevented him from burying him.”

The Taliban’s media outlet, Alemara, did not say that he was murdered, but reported that “Rhoula Aziji was killed during the fighting in Panjisir.”

On the 15th of last month, when the Taliban occupied Afghanistan, Vice President Saleh declared acting president and formed the Afghan Resistance Front (NRF) in Panjisir with Ahmad Masoud, son of the late Ahmad Shah Masoud, who is called the father of Afghanistan. and fighting the Taliban.

The Taliban attacked Panjisir and declared victory, but the resistance forces are engaged in a guerrilla warfare with the Taliban using the geographical features of Panjisir.

YTN PLUS Gayoung Choi (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
