
[방송]American teenager ‘school trip’ “I will miss Korea”…Jang Do-yeon’s nose ‘jing’

‘School trip’ American teenagers expressed their impressions of finishing their trip to Korea, saying that they seem to know what Korea is like.

In ‘Korea After School: School Trip’ co-produced by E Channel and MBN, broadcast on the 29th, American students finished their school trip to Korea in Jeju Island.

On this day, American students had a home stay at a Korean friend’s house, fell in love with homemade meals and massage therapists, and made fun memories with sports by playing soccer in the national competition. Jang Do-yeon, who immediately saw it on the beach, was delighted, saying, “It looks like the finale of a youth movie.”

On the last day, American teenagers arrived at the sunrise point early in the morning when it was still dark. Caleb smiled, saying, “Korea is my sunshine,” and “It makes me happy.” “I would like Korean people to work a little less. It would be nice to laugh more and make good memories,” she hoped, and Saree moved the MCs by adding, “I believe results follow those who work hard.”

Anneka said, “I will miss this place. I think I will come again,” he said firmly, and Aneka said, “Korea is a very beautiful country and the people are very kind. Do you say ‘Jeong’? I think I know what it is.”

Reporter Hasuna / Photo = Tcast

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