
[방송]Sandara Park clarifies the controversy over in-flight meals “I uploaded a picture before eating”

Singer Sandara Park explained the controversy over in-flight meals.

Sandara Park wrote on her Instagram story on the 29th, “The last picture I posted was before I ate it.

He continued, “However, since I barely ate for a month, I thought that I would eat even a few bowls, but then suddenly I ate it, so my stomach went down, so I didn’t eat much! It is still growing little by little,” along with a picture of bibimbap eaten over half.

Previously, Sandara Park, famous for her ‘news seat’, said, “I’m sorry for leaving so much, flight attendants sisters. It wasn’t because it didn’t taste good, but it was really delicious and I ate it to my full,” along with a picture of ramen and bibimbap before eating, and some netizens responded that it was a waste of food.

Reporter Hana Ha / Photo = Sandara Park’s Instagram

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