
[사회]Breaking the gathering restrictions and having a drinking party at an entertainment bar… Actor Choi Jin-hyeok sent to prison

Actor Choi Jin-hyeok was handed over to the prosecution on charges of having a drinking party at an entertainment bar that was closed due to social distancing.

The Gangnam Police Station in Seoul sent Choi Jin-hyeok to the prosecution on charges of violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act.

Choi is accused of having a drinking party at an entertainment bar in Samseong-dong, Seoul, where business was completely banned due to the fourth level of social distancing in October last year.

The police also handed over 47 people, including customers and receptionists, who were at the establishment to the prosecution, and said that the investigation is ongoing for the remaining 4 people.

YTN Woo Cheol-hee (

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