
[정치]From YouTubers farthest to young people… Who runs the top committee?


At the People Power National Convention, which will be held on March 8, five leading members, who are members of the leadership, will be elected together with the party representative.

As it is an opportunity to strengthen the party’s position, there is fierce competition from young people in their 30s for the most distant YouTubers, and some voices of concern are also emerging.

This is Reporter Kwon Nam-ki.


Currently, more than 20 people are talking about themselves as candidates for the Supreme Council of People’s Power.

While most of the party’s mainstream pro-Yoon group is in discussion, current lawmakers close to former CEO Lee Jun-seok are also considering running for office.

Specifically, according to the party’s constitution, which was changed last year, if only 4 out of 5 elected positions and 4 of the top 5 youth members join, it is possible to replace the party’s leadership.

Since two or more allies are essential from the point of view of the party representative, factions within the party entered into a fierce battle of numbers, from choosing candidates for the supreme council member to choosing the youth member of the supreme council.

[장예찬 / 청년재단 이사장 (지난 5일) : 우리 당 내부에서 다른 소리가 나오지 않도록 확실하게 매듭을 짓겠습니다. 저는 윤석열 정부와 보수의 최전방 공격수로서….]

[김용태 / 국민의힘 전 최고위원 (지난 9일, YTN라디오 ‘뉴스킹 박지훈입니다’) : 한목소리로 뭉치겠다는 식의 뉘앙스로 말씀하셨는데, 전혀 민주주의에 대한 이해가 부족한 것 아닌가….]

If you become a member of the supreme council, you will take an advantageous position in the nomination for next year’s general election, such as taking part in major decisions of the party as a member of the leadership, as well as taking part in various meetings and make your name known.

[태영호 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난 19일) : 북한 정권을 직접 경험해 보고 잘 아는 사람의 지혜가 반드시 필요하고, 최고위원이 되는 것은 역사적 책무라고 생각합니다.]

As a result, YouTubers who have been considered non-institutional far-right figures beyond former and current lawmakers are expressing their intention to run one after another.

YouTube channels with 1.47 million subscribers, such as ‘God’s Hansu’ and 840,000 ‘Garosero Research Institute,’ etc., were in line to vote for the Supreme Council, and the recognition accumulated through YouTube broadcasting and the fact that it is a 100% party. election voting members are cited as background for running.

[신혜식 / 유튜브 채널 ‘신의한수’ 대표 (지난 10일) : 체제 파괴 세력과의 전쟁에서 완벽하게 승리해 진정한 정권 교체를….]

The reaction within the ruling party is mixed.

It is expected that he will help the party convention, but there is also a prediction that the real chance of winning will be low, along with concerns that he will eventually return to the general election next year as a burden by encouraging the party to move to the right.

[유상범 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난해 12월, MBC라디오 ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : 이분들이 당의 리더십으로서 실제로 당에 들어와서 당을 이끌어갈 때 과연 그것을, 그 선호하는 것이 그대로 연결될까….]

As the power struggle within the party between pro-Yun and non-Yun overlaps with the running of non-establishment figures such as YouTubers who are classified as far-right, there are concerns that the election of a supreme council member of the National Gall convention become cloudy within the power of the people.

This is YTN Kwon Nam-ki.

YTN Namki Kwon (

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