
[정치]Special prosecutor Kwak Sang-do asks for defection…


Rep. Kwak Sang-do resigned from the people’s power when it became known that his son received a bonus of 5 billion won from ‘Hwacheon Daeyu’.

Although the People’s Power leadership felt a sense of responsibility, they demanded a special prosecutor to find out the substantive truth.

Ahead of the presidential election, there are also glimpses of a fearful headwind.

Correspondent Lee Jung-mi.


When it became known that the son of Rep. Kwak Sang-do had received a bonus of 5 billion won from a Daejang-dong development company, the People’s Power convened an emergency supreme council meeting.

Representative Lee Jun-seok, who was in the United States, requested the convening of a meeting, saying that it is necessary to quickly organize Kwak’s whereabouts.

However, 30 minutes before the meeting, Rep. Kwak submitted a notice of withdrawal to the Daegu City Hall.

[추경호 / 국민의힘 원내수석부대표 : 대구시당에 제출한 것은 오늘 4시 반 정도였습니다.]

Although opinions from the party leadership were mixed, it seems that preemptive measures have been taken as even presidential candidates such as Yoo Seung-min and Won Hee-ryong have already clashed and demanded their departure and expulsion.

[원희룡 / 전 제주지사 : 즉각적으로 출당, 제명 및 강력한 후속 조치를 취하시길 촉구합니다. 도덕적인 하자로 인해서 국민이 열망하는 정권 교체에 걸림돌이 돼선 안 됩니다.]

[유승민 / 국민의힘 전 의원 : 당 지도부가 탈당을 받아줄 게 아니라 출당, 제명조치 해야 한다고 생각합니다.]

Kim Ki-hyeon, floor leader, repeatedly called for the cooperation of the Democratic Party, saying that the party also felt a sense of responsibility, but said that only the special prosecutor can reveal the substantive truth.

He also pressured Governor Lee Jae-myung to attend the National Assembly, urging him to answer the allegations.

[김기현 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 설계 당사자인 이재명 후보만이 이 모든 의혹에 답할 수 있습니다. 이것을 거부한다면 이재명 후보가 대장동 개발 비리 몸통이거나 민주당이 그 비호 세력임을 스스로 자인하는 것으로 볼 수밖에 없을 것입니다.]

Rep. Hong Jun-pyo, the presidential candidate, said that the people involved in the allegations should belong to the town, but the prosecution didn’t know, and even aimed at former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

[홍준표 / 국민의힘 의원 : (검찰이)전국의 범죄정보를 다 수집하잖아요 그럼 총장에 다 보고해야지. 그런데 그걸 보고 안 받으셨다?]

[윤석열 / 전 검찰총장 : 시스템이 바껴가지고, 후보님 검사하실 때 말씀이신거 같은데….]

The Yun Seok-yeol camp also criticized Rep. Hong that he would be judged for spreading fake news that did not meet the timing for smoking.

This is YTN Lee Jung-mi.

YTN Lee Jeong-mi (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
