
200 complaints about ‘Godding Mom and Dad 2’… Watchdog committee “under review”

Provided by MBNThe Korea Communications Standards Commission is reviewing the review of MBN’s ‘Goding Umpa 2’, which has been the subject of controversy regarding dating and pregnancy between adults and minors.

An official from the Beongsong Communications Discussion Committee (hereafter referred to as the Korea Communications Standards Commission) said, “The number of complaints about the program ‘Godding Umpa 2’ has increased rapidly since November 22, reaching around 200 cases. “

Although the date of the review has not been decided, it is understood that ‘Godding Umpa 2’ will also fall under this category as consideration is usually initiated on hundreds of civil complaints.

Previously, ‘Godding Umpa 2’ aired the story of dating and pregnancy between adults and minors repeatedly in the last month and in recent broadcasts, causing controversy about beautifying and promoting the relationship between adults and minors in a serious situation such as sexual offenses against minors.

Currently, viewer bulletin boards are flooded with protests from viewers urging the cancellation of ‘Goding Umpa 2’. Despite the constant controversy, the production team has no specific position.