
200 fun games! “Share and Have Fun!Made by Valio” on Switch-Free News 3C Technology

(Photo / provided by Nintendo)

Nintendo’s new Valio series “Share the Fun!” “Made in Valio”, officially boarded on the Switch console today, featuring more than 200 mini-games, and up to four players can play against each other.

“Share and Have Fun! “Made by Valio” has three major features, including a “story” mode that challenges more than 200 mini-games. Each character’s actions are different. In addition to considering preferences, it is very important to choose a character based on the characteristics of the level and the balance of the team. important.

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In addition, this work contains 10 kinds of original games, such as games to play against with mini-games, party games to play with characters, and so on. You can have fun with family and friends, up to 4 people. Challenge different “questions” every week, aiming for the highest score and the best time. You can see the world leaderboard and friend leaderboard.

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