
3 benefits of fig juice in eliminating visceral fat

Figs are rich in vitamins and minerals – a good addition to your diet. In particular, those who want to reduce visceral fat should regularly drink fig juice to bring many health benefits.

Adding fig juice to your diet helps eliminate visceral fat. Graphics: Ha May

Control your appetite

For those who are losing visceral fat, fig juice can be a good addition to your diet. Fig juice is rich in fiber, helping you feel full for a long time, not feeling hungry, consuming a limited amount of calories, and controlling appetite.

Drinking fig juice in the morning on an empty stomach can help boost metabolism, which is important to help you lose fat.

Good for digestion

Fig juice can act as a natural laxative to help promote digestion. It is also a good source of fiber, which helps improve bowel movements and avoid constipation.

A study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology shows that eating figs can help you get rid of digestive problems such as constipation. Therefore, drinking fig water regularly can help prevent digestive problems, thereby promoting the fat loss process more smoothly.

Helps reduce blood sugar levels

Visceral fat is thought to be closely related to the body’s ability to use insulin and the body’s sugar metabolism.

Nutritionists say that fig juice contains properties that help control your blood sugar levels. Fig juice contains a lot of soluble fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugar in the body, preventing blood sugar spikes.

People with diabetes should also drink fig water in the morning on an empty stomach.