
3 parts of your body that are fat show you need to lose weight

Obesity not only affects your image but also harms your physical health. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the parts of the body that easily accumulate fat to promptly lose weight.

Some parts of the body are prone to fat accumulation, signaling that you need to lose weight. Graphics: Ha May


The condition of the arm muscles can clearly indicate whether a person is fat or not. If you feel the skin on your arms is soft and your arms are bigger than before, you need to lose weight. If your arms are toned, it means you don’t need to lose weight.


The thigh muscles of people with normal weight are relatively loose. If you see that your inner thigh muscles are more numerous and stiff, and there is redness and swelling after exercise, it means you should lose weight.


The most obvious way to tell if a person is fat or not is to look at the belly. Nowadays, many people regularly eat fried foods that are high in calories. When they sit for a long time and are lazy, they will accumulate more and more fat in the abdominal area.

If you sit down and see that your belly has more than two lines of fat, then you are really fat and need a weight loss regimen.

People with edema and obesity are mainly due to a weakened spleen, affecting the ability to transport water and moisture, leading to poor metabolism. Therefore, we must first regulate the spleen and stomach. If metabolism improves, weight loss will be more effective. In addition, obese people should also persist in aerobic exercise. hours every day to lose weight effectively.