
A squirrel version of GTA “Squirrel Has a Gun” is on Steam, a sandbox game made by the brains of UE5 developers | 4 Gamers

Game developer DeEntremont became popular on Twitter after releasing his own “Squirrel with a Gun” action demo video in May this year. The game’s Steam store page has recently opened, and the release date has not been determined. again.

DeEntremont originally used Blender 3D to make the squirrel mod, and Houdini software made the fur, making the squirrel look as realistic as reality. But the most fake thing is that he let the squirrel take a gun, and also showed the nirvana of using the gun to force himself into the air.

After several months of development, now the game appears to have a basic prototype. The squirrel played by the player will live in the town. You can freely visit all parts of the town to interact with the residents. As for good interaction or GTA-style interaction, it all depends on the choice of the player.

According to the store information, “Squirrel Has a Gun” is a sandbox game based on exploration and combat elements. In addition to interacting with the townspeople, players must also beware of the attacks of a spy in black suits.




The sandbox action game “Squirrel Has a Gun” is still in development, and interested players can go to the Steam store to follow or join the wishlist.