
Actress Uee’s Cafe Venture: Surprising Profits and Unconventional Money Management

Actress Uee Finds Success in Running a Café Despite Being a Novice

By Reporter Mara | Money Today | September 12, 2023 | 13:10

Actress Uee, known for her role in the weekend drama ‘Hyosim’s Life, Each Life’, is making headlines as she succeeds in running her first-ever café venture. In an interview on KBS2’s entertainment program ‘Problem Son of the Rooftop’, she shared her experiences and revealed her surprising money management methods.

Uee, who recently embarked on her café owner journey, shared, “On days without filming, I personally prepare drinks and desserts. Even though I go to work without any makeup, the employees often encourage me to wear it as it helps promote the café.” Her playful remark about the workers’ cute complaints garnered laughter from the audience.

When asked about the café’s income, Uee displayed her excellent business acumen by stating, “Despite running a business for the first time, I am pleased to say that we are generating a surplus even after paying the salaries of our three regular employees.” Her entrepreneurial success impressed the show’s hosts and viewers alike.

Furthermore, Uee shared a unique money management method that even surprised Kim Jong-guk, known as the ‘saltman’ on the rooftop. She disclosed, “I use check cards instead of credit cards. I started managing my own finances three years ago and found that credit cards tend to lead to excessive spending. Using check cards helps me limit my expenses and maintain better control.”

Notably, Uee stunned everyone by revealing that she managed to pay off her home debt after her debut and transformed her parents’ house into a spacious abode for the whole family. Her financial achievements showcase her unconventional business side and astute money management skills.

Don’t miss the broadcast of KBS2’s ‘Problem Child in the Rooftop’ at 8:30 PM on the 13th to witness Uee’s remarkable entrepreneurial journey and her insights into effective money management.

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Money Today Reporter Mara | 2023.09.12 13:10

Actress Uee revealed that she is seeing profits even though this is her first time running a cafe. Yui and Ha Jun, the main couple of the weekend drama ‘Hyosim’s Life, Each Life’, will appear on KBS2’s entertainment program ‘Problem Son of the Rooftop’, which will air on the 13th.

On this day, Uee reports that she has recently transformed into a cafe owner. Yui said, “Every day there is no filming, I go out to make my own drinks and desserts. I go to work with a bare face, but the workers tell me to wear makeup because we I can promote the cafe,” and makes people laugh by saying the cute whining of the workers.

When the MCs were curious about the cafe’s income, Uee is said to have shown the qualities of an excellent businesswoman, saying, “I see a surplus even after paying the salaries of three employees regularly,” although this time her first. business.

Next, Uee reveals a money management method that will surprise even Kim Jong-guk, the ‘saltman’ on the roof. Yui shares her own economic thoughts, saying, “I don’t use credit cards, only check cards. I started managing my own money three years ago, but I feel that if I use credit cards, I spend a lot of money. without any limit, so I limit myself to check cards.”

In particular, Uee surprised everyone by revealing that, after her first appearance, she paid the debt on her home, and turned her parents’ house into the home of one large family.

The legendary ‘weekend drama hit queen’ Uee’s unconventional business side and money management methods can be seen in KBS2’s ‘Problem Child in the Rooftop’, which will be broadcast at 8:30pm on the 13th.

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

#Cafe #owner #Yui #Paying #employees #salaries #making #profit #Paying #debt #moving #single #family #home