
Advances in Stomach Cancer Surgery and Postoperative Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Cancer is still a disease we fear, but the survival rate has increased significantly compared to the past thanks to advances in diagnosis and treatment technology and health checks. In this situation, the quality of life of cancer patients has become more important. There is a growing need for information about stomach cancer, which has a high incidence in Korea. We take a look at surgical techniques and postoperative healthcare for stomach cancer patients with Professor Park Ki-beom, a gastrointestinal surgeon at Chilgok Kyungpook National University Hospital.

[윤윤선 MC]
Now, let’s look at what surgical methods are performed depending on the location. First, I am curious about distal gastrectomy performed for lower stomach cancer and what methods are used to restore stomach function.

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
I would first like to tell you about distal gastrectomy, which is the most common surgical method we perform. As mentioned above, distal gastrectomy is a surgical method that removes approximately one-third to one-half of the lower part of the stomach. There are two typical methods of reconstruction after resection. There are two representative methods: directly connecting the remaining stomach and duodenum and connecting the remaining stomach and small intestine.

I’ll tell you about it in a video. First, this video shows the reconstruction method of the anastomosis connecting the stomach and duodenum that I talked about before. So, the reconstructive method after stomach cancer surgery would be to use a tool to connect the stomach to the duodenum that you see now to create a path so you can eat food again.

[이동훈 MC]
Have we already passed the withdrawal phase?

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
Yes, resection has been done and this part becomes the stomach and this part becomes the duodenum. So it seems that the stomach and duodenum are connected via an instrument.

Next, if you look at it, it will be the anastomosis method that connects the upper and lower intestine that I talked about before. As you can see, this will be the remaining stomach. Then you will see it connect the remaining stomach and small intestine. What you see now is the small intestine, as opposed to the duodenum. So, with this automatic anastomosis machine, it seems like they are preparing to connect the small intestine and stomach. To put it simply, you can think of it as something similar to the things we sew. Then we connected the stomach and small intestine to create a common hole. This is a scene where we are once again suturing the area where the hole was inserted.

[이동훈 MC]
How long will it take for the suture area to fully stabilize?

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
There really is no standard by which we can judge the amount of time it takes to stabilize. We can’t confirm this because we can’t go in and see the cancer after the patient finishes the surgery, but we usually start drinking water the next day after connecting the stomach and small intestine, or the stomach and duodenum. The meaning can be interpreted as meaning that this connected part has found stability.

This is a reconstruction after proximal gastrectomy, which is a double-pass anastomosis. It is the most commonly used anastomosis technique in Korea. This part will be the remaining stomach. So, this part is the esophagus and this part is the small intestine, and with the small intestine an anastomosis method is performed. Why am I talking about the double-pass anastomosis method Does food go down into the small intestine through the esophagus? there is a way and this way. So with a double pass, there’s one way for the food to go down through the stomach and one way for the food to go down into the small intestine, so it’s called a double pass anastomosis.

So, I can briefly explain the surgical method as follows. It is located about 10 cm away from the connection between the esophagus and the small intestine and connects the small intestine. Then, the anastomosis is performed in this way to connect the small intestine to the small intestine about 20 cm below it. The photo on the left shows the small intestine. So, this part is the small intestine and this part is the mesentery that feeds the small intestine. So, you can think of this as a scene where we indicate up front that we’re going to connect this way.

Then, I will show you the actual double channel anastomosis surgery. If you look at it, you can see that the esophagus and the small intestine are connected. This part will be the remaining stomach. So it looks like it connects the stomach and the small intestine, and this part is the part that connects the small intestine and the small intestine. So the food goes down the esophagus, goes down through the stomach on this side, and also goes down the bottom, and then goes down through a double passage. This is how the name double-channel anastomosis was created.

(Composition Lee Ji-min)

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