
Advances in Stomach Cancer Treatment: Surgical Techniques and Postoperative Care

Cancer is still a disease we fear, but the survival rate has increased significantly compared to the past thanks to advances in diagnosis and treatment technology and health checks. In this situation, the quality of life of cancer patients has become more important. There is a growing need for information about stomach cancer, which has a high incidence in Korea. We take a look at surgical techniques and postoperative healthcare for stomach cancer patients with Professor Park Ki-beom, a gastrointestinal surgeon at Chilgok Kyungpook National University Hospital.

In the past, it was known that the incidence of cancer was very high among middle-aged people, especially among the elderly. However, recently, it seems that many young people are also getting cancer. But there is this story. Cancer is said to spread faster in young people than in older people. It is true?

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
In reality it cannot be said that this is the case. First, in the case of young people, even if they feel uncomfortable or have abdominal pain, they may tend to ignore it, take medicine arbitrarily, and neglect endoscopy or other checks for accurate diagnosis.

Because people are young, even if cancer develops, the mortality rate is a little high due to too much delay, but in fact, whether cancer occurs in young or old people, early diagnosis and treatment should be a priority.

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
You are right.

Maybe this isn’t exactly what is consumed most in the pharmacy. I think it might be a digestive aid.

I’m afraid that the digestive medications might put a strain on my stomach or that if I eat too much I might develop some sort of stomach illness, but I think the digestive medications might not matter…

[박기범 위장관외과 전문의]
As you generally know, overdosing or taking it for a long period of time can lead to various complications and other side effects. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s related to a certain disease, but because there might be things like that, you always have symptoms or feel a little uncomfortable. Rather than taking medicines right away, it is better to get yourself diagnosed first and take medicines accordingly as prescribed by the doctor I think it would be much better.

(Composition Lee Ji-min)

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