
AfD according to a survey at 20 percent – ​​on a par with the SPD

Many Germans worry about the AfD’s strong poll numbers. Some even consider emigrating.

The AfD’s strong poll numbers apparently worry the majority of Germans. As the “Bild am Sonntag” reports, in a representative survey by the opinion research institute Insa, 61 percent of those questioned stated that they feared a possible government participation by the AfD. 59 percent think they are a right-wing extremist party. In the case of an AfD chancellor, 15 percent said they would then want to emigrate.

46 percent of the 1,002 respondents believe that the AfD’s participation in government would have negative effects on Germany, as the “BamS” further reports. On the other hand, 23 percent expect positive effects.

Flags at an AfD demonstration in Erfurt: According to a survey by Insa, the party is 20 percent. (Source: Karina Hessland/imago images)

AfD in Insa Sunday trend on a par with SPD

In the weekly Insa Sunday trend, the party improved by one point to 20 percent. This is more than double what it was a year ago. The AfD was thus tied with the SPD in second place, which remained at 20 percent. After the survey, the Union was still the strongest force with 26 percent, but lost one point.

The Greens remained unchanged at 13 percent. The FDP lost a point and came to seven percent this week. The left remained unchanged at four percent.