
Amazon to stop operating Kindle e-bookstores in China starting June 30, 2023

SHANGHAI, CHINA – AUGUST 12, 2020 – Photo taken on Aug. 12, 2020 shows online books and digital publications represented by Amazon’s Kindle e-book reader at the Shanghai Book Fair themed

Earlier, Amazon announced that it will stop the operation of China’s Kindle e-bookstore from June 30, 2023. After that, consumers will not be able to purchase new eBooks through this channel, and existing purchases will only be available for download until June 30, 2024. For existing Kindle readers, Amazon will continue to provide warranty and customer service. If the user’s purchase time is after January 1, 2022, as long as the relevant conditions are met, the official will provide a return service for non-quality problems.

In fact, since Amazon decided to shrink its business in mainland China a few years ago, the Kindle has gradually declined locally. But the reason for this result may not be the Chinese censorship system that many people speculate, but simply that the e-book and reader business of Kindle is becoming more and more difficult to do. Whether it is hardware sales or content services, Amazon has encountered huge challenges in the mainland. In 2017, China was still the largest market for Kindle, and the sales of the reader in the region once exceeded 40% of Amazon’s total. But these shares were gradually eroded by Xiaomi (see more), ByteDance, Haier, and Huawei, and Kindle’s e-book business was also defeated in the battle with local platforms (many mainland mobile phones will be pre-loaded with e-book services. ), especially the launch of the “WeChat Reading” function has brought a fatal blow to the Kindle.

But despite the closure of China’s Kindle e-bookstore, Amazon has stressed that its “long-term commitment to development in China will not change.” This mainly includes Amazon’s “overseas purchases”, advertising, global logistics, cloud services and smart hardware and corresponding services. The official said that it has “established an extensive business foundation” in the past and will “continue to innovate and invest.”