
Apple to Fix Issue of iPhone Alarms Not Going Off for Some Customers

Enlarge photo TikTokers claim iPhone alarms didn’t go off. <사진=NBC 투데이쇼>

Apple has announced that it is fixing an issue where alarms do not go off for some iPhone customers.

Wall Street Journal reporter Joanna Stern and NBC’s Emily Ikeda reported on NBC’s Today Show that Apple responded that it was aware of the problem of alarms not sounding and was working on a fix. This is the result of an investigation with Apple into the growing number of complaints on social media that iPhone alarms aren’t sounding.

In particular, foreign media explain that if an alarm set in the past is left as it is, there are many cases in which the alarm does not sound.

To fix this, Verge recommends making sure the ringtone and notification volume sliders are turned on in Settings > Sounds & Haptics. He also said it would be helpful to turn off the “Attention Notifications” option in Settings > Face ID & Passcode.

[실리콘밸리=이덕주 특파원]

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