
Apple Watch 2024: New Technology Promises Enhanced Durability and Functionality

Apple Watch 2024 [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 AI리포터] With Apple’s next generation Apple Watch

According to DigiTimes, resin-coated copper can be used on the Apple Watch. The technology is said to be able to improve the device’s logic board in terms of durability and water resistance, while also making it thinner.

The thinner the logic board, the more space there is inside the Apple Watch to mount other components or sensors. This is a big plus for smartwatches, as Apple could also include more health-focused sensors, such as blood pressure and blood sugar sensors.

Notably, since the Apple Watch Ultra is a fairly large device itself, it can gain even more benefits by securing space with new logic board technology.

However, it’s unclear what exactly this new technology entails, and it may not be until next year before the technology becomes a reality. More information is expected to be revealed at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).

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