
Association of Magistrates of Bahia swears in new president

Judge Julio Travessa was sworn in as president of the Association of Magistrates of Bahia (AMAB) in a ceremony held in the Salão Nobre of Forum Ruy Barbosa, in Salvador, this Friday (3). association, the Deliberative Council and the Fiscal Council.

Julio Cezar Lemos Travessa was appointed in November 2015 to a vacancy of judge at the TJ-BA for the constitutional fifth of the Public Ministry. He joined the MP in 1991, having served as a prosecutor in the districts of Cotegipe, Santaluz, Ubaíra, Medeiros Neto and Paulo Afonso.

He was promoted in 1995 to Salvador, where he worked at the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Criminal Executions, the Special Criminal Court, the Central Inquiry, the 8th and 9th Criminal Courts and the Drugs and Narcotics Court. He was the first coordinator of the ‘MP Goes to the Streets’ project, coordinated the Criminal Operational Support Center (Caocrim), held the position of prosecutor and special advisor to the Attorney General’s Office. He was sworn in as a public prosecutor in September 2013 and was a member of the Superior Council of the Public Ministry.

The new president emphasized that the date represents the “resumption of the process of opening up Amab to the great aspirations of the Bahian judiciary, mainly for the exercise of basic associative rights”. The slate that guaranteed the election of Travessa elected the union of the judiciary as its flag, with the purpose of strengthening the class, through the improvement of administrative procedures.

The new manager also committed to collaborating with the Presidency of the Court of Justice of Bahia (TJ-BA) in the task of reducing the judicial collection, through joint efforts aimed at boosting standardized procedures.

See how the new management of the Association of Magistrates of Bahia looks like:

President: Judge Julio Cezar Travessa
1st Vice-President: judge Eldsamir da Silva Mascarenhas,
2nd Vice President: Judge Sirlei Caroline Santos (2nd Vice President)
3rd Vice President: retired judge Luislinda Dias Valois

deliberative Council
Judge Roberto Costa de Freitas Junior
Judge Wagner Ribeiro Rodrigues
Judge Renata Guimarães Firme
Judge Euclides Ribeiro Arruda
Judge Eduardo Ferreira Padilha
Judge Márcia Simões Costa
Judge Marcos Adriano Ledo
Judge Luciana Amorim Hora
Judge Davi Vilas Verde Guedes Neto
Judge Leonardo Brito Pirajá de Oliveira.

Fiscal Council
Judge Fabio Marx Saramago Pinheiro
Judge José de Souza Brandão Netto
Judge José Onofre Alves Junior
Judge Humberto Jose Marcal