
Be On Cloud, the agency of the “Kinn Porsche” series, revealed that the sasaeng invaded a private space at night.

It immediately became a hot trend when the camp of Be On Cloud (Be On Cloud), the agency of the famous actor of the series Y Kinn Porsche The Series, made a statement about an intruder in a private space at night. causing fear to the staff and artists

September 12, 65 was immediately criticized when Be on Cloud posted a statement in Thai and Chinese. where the Chinese text states that The intruder wanted to enter the artist’s office. It is a violation and disrupts the privacy and security of the staff and artists. is being prosecuted for invasion of private space and warned the bad guys not to do such a thing again.

On September 13, 65, the agency has released an official statement again in 3 languages, Thai, Chinese, English, along with some evidence of previous events. It reveals the behavior of those who try to invade the private space that the artist has in him. Although the team tried to discuss and explain that it is a private area, outsiders are not allowed to enter. Many times it still doesn’t work. has come out to reveal the evidence collected It shows that the agency and the actors have always encountered this type of harassment. causing a lot of paranoia for the artist