
Billion gaps in the 2025 federal budget

After long negotiations, the 2024 federal budget is expected to be passed next week. And next year is already worrying, because billions in holes apparently have to be plugged here too.

There is a risk of tough negotiations in the federal government about the 2025 federal budget due to billions in gaps. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Finance said with regard to financial planning that there would be a “need for action” of around 5 billion euros for 2025. “There are also further burdens, so we are currently assuming that the need for action is in the lower double-digit billion range.”

However, more precise information is currently not possible because it depends on various parameters and estimates that need to be updated, said the spokeswoman. Important factors such as the development of the economy and interest rates are not yet known.

The “Handelsblatt” had previously reported, citing government circles, that the gap for 2025 would be at least 13 billion euros.

The 2024 federal budget is expected to be passed in the Bundestag next week. This was preceded by a long struggle. According to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, billions in holes in the core budget and in the climate and transformation fund had to be plugged – projects for climate protection are financed from this special pot.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) declared in mid-January that the course of budget consolidation must be maintained: “We will have to work harder to find financial flexibility in the future.”