
“Bitcoin has no future as a payment method”… Bombshell remarks from the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange

picture explanation[사진 = 연합뉴스]

Sam Bankman-Pride CEO Sam Bankman-Pride, who founded the cryptocurrency exchange ‘FTX’, said that Bitcoin has no future as a payment network.

Reuters reported on the 16th, citing the Financial Times (FT) report. According to the report, CEO Bankman-Pride told the FT that Bitcoin was disqualified as a payment network because it was inefficient and environmentally costly.

“The proof-of-work (PoW) method underlying Bitcoin cannot scale to handle millions of transactions,” Bankman-Pride CEO explained.

Currently, in Europe, there are voices calling for cryptocurrencies to comply with minimum environmental sustainability standards. In this regard, there is also discussion on how to effectively ban cryptocurrencies that have adopted such a proof-of-work method.

CEO Bankman-Pride argued that the proof-of-stake (PoS) method is cheaper than the proof-of-work method and consumes less power, so it is a suitable method for the evolution of the virtual currency into a payment network.

Currently, Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency market after Bitcoin, is in the process of converting to such a proof-of-stake method.

The CEO, who said he did not see Bitcoin as a ‘virtual currency’, said, “I do not believe that Bitcoin should be used as a virtual currency. “He said.

[조성신 매경닷컴 기자]
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