
“Interactive ambiguous” with Johnny Depp in court!The beautiful lawyer personally understands the real relationship between the two | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Liu Wanxin / Comprehensive Report

Amber Heard (Amber Heard) and Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) accused each other of defamation after their divorce, and will end the adjournment on the 16th local time to continue the next wave of court hearings. During the adjournment between the two sides, the discussion on the Internet continued. Some netizens pointed out that Johnny Depp and Camille Vasquez, a female lawyer in his legal team, had an ambiguous interaction, suspecting that the two would have a relationship for a long time. .

▲Johnny Depp was exposed to be intimate with Camille Vasque. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

According to the foreign media “TMZ”, during the trial, many people directly attacked Johnny Depp and Camille whispering, talking and laughing, and even hugged during the break. There was even a close interaction between the two on Douyin. A collection of clips, it is speculated that there is an ambiguous relationship between them. However, Camille clarified this news, saying that the relationship with Johnny Depp is purely a working relationship, and she already has a British boyfriend who is engaged in the real estate industry. moon.

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▲Johnny Depp and Camille Vasquez, a female lawyer in his legal team.  (Photo/Reuters)

▲ Netizens madly rumored that Johnny Depp and Camille Vasque had an ambiguous interaction. (Photo/Reuters)

On the other hand, “Extra” pointed out in the report that Camille Vasquez should be the lawyer who mainly questioned Amber in the next trial, and this is also one of the strategies of Johnny Depp’s lawyers. Asking female lawyers to interrogate can prevent Amber from looking weak in court and portraying himself as a victim. If male lawyers are asked to interrogate, it is easy for the outside world to have a bad impression.

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