
Boosting Your Mood with Natural and Healthy Foods

Posted on 2024.02.15 12.30 Posted on 2024.02.15 12.30 Modified on 2024.02.15 02.06 Views 5 Dark chocolate, nuts, oysters, etc. they are natural healthy and healing foods that not only make you feel better for a while but also put your mind at ease.. [사진=클립아트코리아]

When I feel depressed and stressed, the first thing that comes to mind is sweet drinks or sweet cakes. However, sweet and fatty foods only make you feel better temporarily when you eat them, and the effect is not long-lasting. Rather, as blood sugar rises and then falls rapidly, mood swings only get worse. Let’s find out what are the natural healthy and healing foods that not only make you feel better for a moment by filling them with sugar but also help you relax your mind.


◆ Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the representative foods that improve mood. It’s a magical snack that makes you feel good as soon as you eat it. However, keep in mind that the higher the cocoa content and the lower the sugar content, the greater the effect. Cocoa is also considered a food that acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is not necessary to eat a lot, just 2-3 pieces of chocolate a day are enough.

◆ Walnuts

30 g of nuts contain approximately 4 g of protein and 2 g of dietary fiber. These nutrients relieve hunger and keep blood sugar levels stable. Walnuts are also a food rich in magnesium and phosphorus. According to related studies, people lacking magnesium have a higher risk of depression.

Additionally, walnuts are rich in antioxidants that protect cells and are low in carbohydrates. This means that it is not a food that rapidly raises blood sugar and insulin levels. When your blood sugar or insulin levels change rapidly, you feel uncomfortable and anxious, so foods that stabilize blood sugar levels are good for your mental health.


◆ Oysters

Oysters are low in calories and effective at reducing inflammation levels. It is beneficial for heart health as it improves overall blood circulation. Like other seafood, it is also beneficial for consuming omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats. Oysters are also a food that provides zinc, a mineral that helps our body fight stress. This also helps regulate your mood. This is why oysters are considered a beneficial food for brain health.

◆ Coffee

Coffee beans used to brew coffee are mood-lifting fruits. The caffeine contained in coffee beans improves concentration, makes you alert and improves motor skills by increasing agility. There are also reports that coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and depression. One cup of coffee contains approximately 150 mg of caffeine and it is recommended to limit your daily caffeine intake to 300 mg, so the appropriate intake is approximately 2 cups of coffee per day.

◆ Kale

If you eat about a cup of kale, you can get enough vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Plus, like walnuts, they’re also rich in magnesium and dietary fiber, which help regulate blood sugar levels and mood . You can make 1 to 2 cups of kale into a salad or make it into chips like potatoes and eat 5 to 10 as a snack.

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