
calling mobile phone users The “Consumer Organization Council” is neutral, listening to all parties equally in the case of the Gwir-DTAC merger

Mobile consumer groups file claim The “Consumer Organization Council” is neutral. listening to the voice of consumers equally Confident in merging True-DTAC consumers benefit Entrepreneurs compete to develop technology. Increase benefits for customers to believe without affecting the price because the NBTC has a set ceiling

from the case of the Consumer Organization Council is the person who opens the list of those who disagree with the ‘True-DTAC’ merger by allowing people to join and sign through the website. And the Facebook page of the Council of Consumer Organisations, the latest today (November 8), representatives of the consumer group. True and dtac telephone network users, led by Mr. Kongchat Kaewsukko, dtac service user representative, and Mr. Jirawat Peerasakphakdi Real service representatives who come under the name of ‘user group Gwir and Tac mobile phone network users came together to present a petition to the Consumer Organization Council. Listen to the opinions and needs of customers in the group who wish to be merged as soon as possible. because of doubts about injustice and impartiality and saw that the Council is the representative of the user and must listen to the opinion of every real user He also urged the council to remain neutral and provide comprehensive information. and protect all users equally

Mr Kongchat revealed the reason for the journey to present this claim that the True-DTAC user group saw information on the other side of the user organization advice never to be presented to the public both for the benefit of True-DTAC users and should the general public should be aware Especially the obvious benefits that customers from all camps will get from this merger. For example, dtac customers will be able to use the facilities that True has after the merger, including True 5G network coverage. Real home internet online True Visions Cable TV and content from TrueID including a large number of service centers and benefit from True You Including other True services such as True Health, True Money, as well as other privileges In addition, benefit another obvious is the better network signal. as there is enough to combine There will be more cell towers, a faster, stronger signal and more coverage. This allows True and Tack users to make better use of calls and the internet. There is continuity in all areas. And importantly, in the opinion of service users from both camps, that this merger This will cause competition between other operators, especially the big ones, who will have to speed up to compete for customers. As a result, True and dtac must not accelerate to improve various services and privileges. Come and add more to maintain the same customer base. And seeking new customers, so there is no reason for both camps to increase the price. because it will allow customers to move the camp and we believe that when the two companies work together, they will have the ability to invest in expanding their network even further. can develop new technology It can also support digital business growth.

“We, users see many benefits And it is clear that this merger will allow customers of DTAC and True to benefit immediately without any loss at the same time as they believe in the role and power of the NBTC in the past to being able to control the price ceiling according to the current satisfactory law We therefore call on the Consumer Council to consider the opinions of real consumers. and present this data set to the public. and called for an end to any action to delay this merger because the impact directly affects consumers who will benefit immediately after the merger,” said Mr Kongchat.