
Callisto Protocol Story Expansion Coming in July – Sina Hong Kong

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address: Eirik Hyldbakk Furu –

Strike Distance announced that The Callisto Protocol would be getting a season pass some time before the game’s release, so studio head and game director Glen Schofield had timeTo clarify a few things.This includes saying that they haven’t even started working on the promised story expansion. I think it’s safe to say that the developers at least have some ideas.

That’s because the studio has confirmed that The Callisto Protocol’s story expansion, Final Transmission, will launch on PlayStation 4/5 on July 27, with PC and Xbox two days later. We’re not told anything else, but it appears that Jacob survives the end of the base game and meets at least one new enemy in the trailer.

Would you go back to the game and pay for the expansion?

This article and images are authorized by Gamereactor, the original textpost here