
Celebrity Health Update: Han So-hee’s Rhinitis Surgery Journey

Celebrity Health: Han So-hee Undergoes Rhinitis Surgery

Actress Han So-hee recently shared with her fans that she has undergone rhinitis surgery. In a selfie posted on the KakaoTalk open chat room ‘Lonely Han So-hee’, she discussed the current state of her health following the procedure.

Han So-hee revealed that the rhinitis surgery was necessary to address structural problems in her nose, which had been causing her breathing difficulties and snoring. Emphasizing that the surgery was for functional improvement rather than purely aesthetic reasons, she dispelled any suspicions of prior plastic surgery.

Rhinitis Treatment Options

Rhinitis can be treated through both non-surgical and surgical methods, depending on the severity and underlying structural issues. For cases like Han So-hee’s, where the nasal septum is folded or deviated, rhinitis surgery, also known as nasal septum surgery, may be necessary to correct the structural problems and improve nasal function.

Experts have also noted that nose surgery for functional improvement does not significantly affect the height of the bridge of the nose. Temporary changes in appearance, such as swelling, may give the impression of a taller bridge, but this is not a direct result of the surgery.

Ultimately, addressing the underlying health issues associated with rhinitis can not only improve overall well-being but also help individuals maintain their appearance and satisfaction with their physical health.

[셀럽헬스] Rhinitis Surgery Han So-hee

Entered 2023.12.02 08:30 Views 7,225 Entered 2023.12.02 08:30 Modified 2023.12.01 17:56 Views 7,225

Actress Han So-hee revealed that she recently underwent rhinitis surgery. [사진=한소희 SNS]Actress Han So-hee shared her current status after rhinitis surgery.

On the 30th of last month, Han So-hee communicated with fans by posting a selfie of herself on the KakaoTalk open chat room ‘Lonely Han So-hee’.

Han So-hee, who previously revealed on her blog that she had undergone rhinitis surgery, said, “I’m worried because the swelling from the rhinitis surgery hasn’t gone away,” and added, “I’m not using silicone actually to keep my nose straight. My nose was bent so I was breathing through one side of my nose and snoring. “That’s why I made him stand up straight and lift my nose higher,” he explained.

He continued, “I didn’t have a whiny nose. Originally, my nose was high, but as it gradually became more curved, the tip of my nose became droopy. He emphasized once again, “It was restored to its original nose,” dispelling suspicions of prior plastic surgery.

Rhinitis treatment is divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment depending on the symptoms. If the symptoms are mild or temporary, they may improve sufficiently with drug treatment. However, if you have structural problems with your nose like Han So-hee, you should consider surgical treatment.

If rhinitis is too severe, nasal septum surgery is performed, commonly known as rhinitis surgery. It is a type of functional rhinoplasty that improves nasal function. It is treated differently from surgery which usually only improves aesthetics. This is an operation that returns the septum inside the nose to its correct shape.

In severe cases of ‘deviated septum’, where the nasal septum, the membrane in the middle of the nose that divides the nose, is folded, the hole on one side of the nose becomes too narrow or obstructed. This can cause nasal congestion or rhinitis, in which case it is advisable to treat rhinitis by surgery to correct the curved septal cartilage inside the nose. If you improve the parts you’ve always had a problem with, you can not only regain your health but also take care of your appearance, which can further increase your satisfaction.

According to experts, nose surgery for functional improvement does not have a significant effect on the height of the bridge of the nose. Han So-hee also had a temporary change in the bridge of her nose due to swelling from the surgery, and it may appear that the bridge of her nose has become taller as the curved bridge of her nose has changed to a straighter one.

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