
Children in Valayar face vicious torture: CBI | Walayar

Palakkad: The CBI has stated in the chargesheet that the experience of the sisters who died in Valayar was very painful during the investigation. The CBI Thiruvananthapuram unit special crime cell DySP TP said that the children, including those in need of protection, had been subjected to vicious torture and had been left to fend for themselves in isolation and helplessly. Anantha Krishnan says in the charge sheet filed in the Palakkad Poxo Special Court.

Defendants Big Honey and Small Honey are close relatives of the children. The other is a close family friend. The indictment alleges that the increase in sexual and non-sexual abuse of children by those responsible for protection and by blood relatives is shocking to the conscience.

We need to ensure that those responsible do not escape the hands of the law. Innocent children are often abused indoors and in closed rooms. The wounds it inflicts on their minds and bodies are a condition that haunts them throughout their lives.

The next step is to receive the chargesheet in the Walayar case and send summons to the accused after examination. The charge sheet will be made available to the accused. The case will be re-tried later.

The mother said it was a mystery that the chargesheet was filed in a hurry

Valayar: The mother of a girl child has alleged that the CBI had hastily completed its probe into the death of a girl victim and issued a chargesheet. In a letter to the CBI DySP, she alleged that the possibility of murder had not been investigated and that she had ignored the requirement that key witnesses, including herself and her husband, be subjected to perjury.

He had told the CBI that the police had persuaded witnesses, including himself, to give false statements. That is why it was demanded including lie detection. When he first came to testify and was examined by a dummy, he had told CBI officials that he suspected the death of a child was a homicide.

She said the case was handed over to the CBI as a result of popular legal battles as a mother of children and therefore the CBI should show moral responsibility to hear her and her husband once again.

English Summary: CBI report on Walayar rape
