
Chinese Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs Launches Third Round of Shuttle Diplomacy on Ukraine Crisis

The Chinese government’s special representative for Eurasian affairs launched the third round of shuttle diplomacy on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 10. From May 3 to 9, Li Hui, the special representative of the Chinese government for Eurasian affairs, launched the third round of shuttle diplomacy on the political settlement of the crisis of Ukraine, Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and held talks with Turkey respectively, Deputy Foreign Minister Akchapal, Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister Khalid, Saudi Minister of State and National Security Advisor Aiban, United Arab Emirates Presidential Diplomatic Advisor Karkash, and Minister of State for International Cooperation Reim held. conversations. Before and after the visit, Special Representative Li Hui also communicated with officials from Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and other countries. China had a detailed exchange of views with all parties on the Ukraine crisis, and all parties generally agreed with China’s following proposals in calling for the situation to cool down:

1. Call for compliance with the “three principles” to cool down the situation, that is, the battlefield should not overflow, the war should not escalate, and all parties should not engage in fireworks.

2. Dialogue and negotiation is the only practical way to resolve the Ukraine crisis. The parties to the conflict should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and promote the de-escalation of the situation until a comprehensive ceasefire is reached.

3. Increase humanitarian aid to relevant areas, improve the humanitarian situation, and prevent a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. Parties to the conflict should avoid attacking civilians and civilian facilities, protect women, children and other victims of conflict, and respect the basic rights of prisoners of war. Support parties to the conflict in the exchange of prisoners of war.

4. Oppose the use of nuclear weapons, biological and chemical weapons, prevent nuclear proliferation, and avoid nuclear crises.

5. Oppose armed attacks on peaceful nuclear facilities such as nuclear power stations All parties should adhere to international laws such as the Nuclear Safety Convention and firmly avoid man-made nuclear accidents.

6. Support joint international cooperation in energy, finance, grain trade, transportation, etc., jointly maintain the safety of key infrastructure such as oil and gas pipelines, power energy facilities, and submarine optical cables, and ensure global industrial stability and supply chains.

All parties agreed to continue to maintain communication and coordination, and the support of the international community was welcomed for efforts to cool the situation and play a constructive role together in truce and war, and in promoting peace and talks.

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