
Controversial Movie ‘The Apprentice’ Stuns Cannes Worldwide Movie Competition with Stunning Depiction of Donald Trump’s Previous

movie retains breaking

[마이데일리 = 곽명동 기자]The movie ‘The Apprentice’, which depicts the youthful days of former US President Donald Trump, rocked the Cannes Worldwide Movie Competition in France.

On the twentieth (native time), ‘The Apprentice’, a biopic about US Republican presidential candidate Trump, was proven on the Cannes Worldwide Movie Competition, which was invited to the competitors part this yr. The viewers gave a standing ovation for 8 minutes.

Gabriel Sherman, a journalist who coated the White Home, wrote the script, and Iranian-Danish director Ali Abbasi took the megaphone.

Within the play, Trump (Sebastian Stan) violently throws his then spouse Ivana (Maria Bakalova) to the bottom and has non-consensual intercourse together with her.

Some within the Cannes viewers described it as “stunning.” In accordance with Selection that day, one viewers member in her 20s criticized the act as “disgusting,” and one other feminine viewers member known as the sexual assault “rape.”

The rape scene is not the one scene Trump would possibly discover offensive. A scene the place Trump undergoes liposuction and baldness removing surgical procedure can also be depicted. Political solver Roy Cohn (Jeremy Robust) raised him from obscurity to an important determine, however Trump reveals no loyalty to his mentor who’s dying of AIDS.

Trump / Getty Images Korea

Trump / Getty Pictures Korea

In the meantime, Trump’s facet emphasised, “We’ve got determined to file a lawsuit towards the patently false claims made by the producers of the faux movie,” including, “This movie is pure fiction that sensationalizes occasions which were confirmed be false.

Reporter Kwak Myeong-dong
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