
Controversy Erupts Over Tokyo Buffet’s ‘Dual Pricing System’ Favoring Japanese Customers

[이데일리 김혜선 기자] A seafood and barbecue buffet that recently opened in Tokyo, Japan, has become a hot topic by introducing a ‘dual pricing system’ that charges full price to foreigners and a discount to Japanese people. In Japan, due to the ongoing low yen phenomenon, there were claims early this year that a ‘dual pricing system’ should be introduced where foreigners pay more, and in fact, some restaurants have started offering discounts to Japanese people Price notice at and restaurant at Tokyo. A ‘dual pricing system’ was introduced where foreigners receive the correct price. (Photo = SNS capture) On the 12th, a newly opened seafood and barbecue buffet in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo posted on its official social network service (SNS), “Discount for Japanese and Koreans,” and the regular price was 6,578 yen (about 50,000 Korean Won). This restaurant charges regular prices to foreigners, but offers food at a discount of nearly 10,000 won to Japanese and foreigners living in Japan. In an interview with Japan’s Fuji News Network (FNN) on the 26th, the owner of this restaurant said, “I hope (Japanese people) will enjoy the seafood buffet at least a little because of the long low yen phenomenon.”

Recently, the Japanese yen is experiencing a historically low yen, with the yen/dollar exchange rate exceeding 160 yen per dollar for the first time in 34 years. In Japan, as the number of foreign tourists increases due to the low yen phenomenon, voices express concern that the country could become ‘cheap Japan (Yasui Nippon)’. One Japanese user “I want to abuse the people in the field,” he wrote. This message, posted on the 29th, was seen by 3.74 million people and over 12,000 people clicked ‘Like’.

Last February, Hisunori Nagayama, vice president of the Japan Ryokan Association, argued that a ‘dual pricing system’ should be introduced in Japan. He said, “Singapore operates a dual pricing system by giving residents discounts at theme parks, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.” He added, “Instead of paying more, foreign tourists enjoy the benefits of ‘good fairness’ such as fast track and courteous support. “There is,” he said.
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