
Controversy Surrounding Candidate Gong Young-woon’s Real Estate Gift to Son Sparks Debate in Korean Democratic Party

Candidate Gong Young-woon [사진 제공: 연합뉴스]

The controversy arose when Gong Young-woon, the Korean Democratic Party’s candidate for Gyeonggi Hwaseong, was discovered to have gifted real estate in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, to his son who was serving in the military three years ago.

It was revealed that Candidate Gong purchased a multi-family house in Seongsu-dong Redevelopment Area in 2017 and gifted it to his son, who is serving in the military, before the house was designated as an authorized transaction area land.

The price of the house in question is known to have risen since it was purchased and is currently worth 3 billion won.

Lee Jun-seok, leader of the New Reform Party, candidate Kong’s rival in the local general elections, said on his SNS: “I suspect he is not a representative of the Korean economy but a representative of real estate speculation” and “The goal of candidate Kong is to have his children become debt-free owners of 3 billion won buildings by the time they are in their twenties.” “You mean 2030?” he criticized.

Rep. Lee went on to say that an agreement to relocate the Sampyo ready-mix concrete site was signed as soon as Candidate Gong purchased the building, and even raised suspicions of “use of inside information.”

Candidate Gong responded by saying, “When I was vice president of Hyundai Motor Company, I bought a house in Seongsu-dong Redevelopment Area and thought I should give it away because I wanted to give my children a house as they prepared for marriage .” He said he accepted that it did not meet public expectations. he revealed.

However, he strongly denied the speculative purchase of the house, stating that it was not true and that he did not purchase it by borrowing excessive money for the purpose of market profit, and that the suspicion that he had used inside information was also false.

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