
Criticism spread of ‘neighborhood’ over remarks defending Lee Jae-myung and Chun Doo-hwan

The aftermath of Lee Jae-myung, the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, is strong over his remarks in defense of Chun Doo-hwan’s economic performance. Criticisms are pouring in whether the person who personally stepped on the monument to Chun Doo-hwan and criticized candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, who said, ‘What is the difference between a murderer and did a good job except for murder’, is even defending Chun Doo-hwan for the sake of votes. Then he countered by saying ‘black-and-white logic’.

Eo-jun Kim, a prominent broadcaster, said he did not know if this was a controversy, and Ahn Min-seok, general manager Lee Jae-myung, said that it was positively evaluated.

Candidate Lee gave an impromptu speech in front of the Dabudong Battlefield in Chilgok, North Gyeongsang Province on the morning of the 11th, saying, “There was a politician who was born in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, but there was a politician who stood out. who are you This is Park Jeong-hee. All politicians have merits coexist,” he said. But overall, it is right that it is an achievement to make good use of Chun Doo-hwan’s third-low boom so that the economy does not collapse and the economy can move properly.” “However, the act of harming the lives of the people with a gun entrusted to them by the people is a serious crime that cannot be forgiven for any reason and should never be repeated,” Lee said.

However, Lee received attention as he took the lead in criticizing Yoon Seok-yeol, the People’s Power presidential candidate, who said he was good at politics except for Chun Doo-hwan’s military coup with the 5/18. Candidate Lee posted on his Facebook page on October 19th, “The wounds in Gwangju have not yet healed and the truth has not been fully investigated. He urged them to immediately make a grave sin against the Gwangju Heroic Spirit and Honamites.”

Candidate Lee visited the May 18 cemetery three days later and said, “Except for the fact that he committed murder and robbery, he could be a good person. What more can I say?” he said, “Our people have not forgotten the murderer Chun Doo-hwan, and the remarks that Candidate Yoon defended against Chun are also unforgivable.” He stepped on the ‘Chun Doo-hwan Monument’ buried at the entrance of the cemetery several times, showing a resolute appearance.

In a question and answer interview with reporters on the 12th, candidate Lee said, “The most serious ill of our society is black-and-white logic. You will fall in love.”

There were also voices that supported Lee’s perception and remarks. Eo-Jun Kim, the host of TBS Radio’s ‘Kim Eo-Jun’s News Factory’, defended the broadcast on the morning of the 13th, saying, “I don’t know if this is such a controversial statement.

▲ TBS News Factory host Kim Eo-joon is giving an opinion on Chun Doo-hwan’s economic performance advocacy speech by Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung on the morning of the 13th. Photo = TBS News Factory Capture

Ahn Min-seok, the general director of the presidential election committee, also appeared on CBS Radio Kim Hyeon-jung’s news show on the morning of the 13th and answered a question from reporter Kim Kwang-il (instead of PD Kim Hyun-jung) who asked, ‘It seems that your position has changed a lot, but there was a discussion at the level of the predecessor.’ I want to give a positive evaluation of that statement,” he said. In the case of Korea, are there regional differences in historical perception? Just as the evaluation of former President Kim Dae-jung in Gwangju differs from that of former President Kim Dae-jung in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, is the evaluation of former Presidents Chun Doo-hwan and Park Chung-hee in Daegu and Gyeongbuk different from the general public’s evaluation?” Director Ahn said, “These regional differences in historical perceptions were narrowed down with this remarks by Candidate Jae-myung Lee.” When asked whether the people of Gwangju would also see and hear those remarks, Director Ahn said, “Isn’t the historical evaluation of former presidents, not only Gwangju citizens, but also the entire Korean people, too unbalanced in each region and too biased to one side?” He said, “In fact, it is necessary to judge the lesson and lesson correctly to some extent in this regard.”

Regarding the difference between Candidate Seok-Yeol Yun’s defense speech and Chun Doo-Hwan’s advocacy remarks, Director Ahn insisted, “It’s different from Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon’s remarks congratulating President Chun Doo-Hwan.”

On the other hand, critics of the candidate’s remarks are pouring in. News Top CEO Kim Jun-il appeared on the CBS radio news show, the same program that day, and said, “I’m going to appeal for the votes of the conservative camp. he criticized Regarding the reason for Lee’s remarks, CEO Kim pointed out, “There are analyzes that he is trying to prevent the issue of Daejang-dong from growing due to the death of General Manager Yu Yu-gi with such remarks.”

The first politician to openly criticize was Shim Sang-jung, a presidential candidate of the Justice Party. On the morning of the 13th, Candidate Shim responded to the criticism that Candidate Lee was criticized against him, saying, ‘You must not deny the fact by falling into black-and-white logic’. That fact was wrong. Chun Doo-hwan’s economy was, in a word, a ‘worker-blooded economy’,” he criticized.

Regarding the background of the ‘Great Workers Struggle’ in 1987, Candidate Shim said, “The anger of the workers exploded at the heinous oppression of labor during Chun Doo-hwan’s national overthrow.” He said, “I am the witness. While I was at the Guro Industrial Complex, I had to watch as many union leaders were caught and taken to the Samcheong Education Center,” he said. At the time, Chun Doo-hwan said that immediately after the successful coup d’etat, he made a ‘prohibition of third-party intervention’ and began to suppress the union, and he said that he forced pre-modern and submissive labor and management officers, saying that workers are children and business owners are fathers.

When candidate Shim heard that candidate Yoon Seok-yeol said, ‘You insulted Honam, make a grave sin against Honam,’ he said, “I won’t say much.”

Candidate Shim also deplored the day before, saying, “I think you will become a candidate for the power of the people trying to differentiate yourself from the Moon Jae-in administration. Candidate Shim said, “It cannot be an election strategy to dare to re-evaluate the merits of the massacre who left without even an apology. Chun Doo-hwan,” he criticized. He also said that it was deplorable for trying to throw away even the values ​​of democracy for the sake of ticketing.

Current affairs critic Jin Joong-kwon, a former professor at Dongyang University, also posted on Facebook on the 12th, saying, “In fact, even if I say I hate Chun Doo-hwan because I am a Democratic candidate, deep down in my heart, I am evaluating his achievements.” The candidate is doing this… It’s absurd.” On the 13th, he said, “If Yoon Seok-yeol does bad praise Chun Doo-hwan, and if Lee Jae-myung does good praise Chun Doo-hwan. Intellectuals are spreading sophistry, so it is pathetic what the 5.18 was for them. You can see how broken the party is,” he added.
