
Digital Touch and Untold Tales Launch ‘Tools Up!’ Ultimate Edition Exclusively for PlayStation 4

Digital Touch (CEO Seong-heon Jeong) collaborated with Untold Tales on the 26th to launch “Tools Up!” exclusively for PlayStation (PS) 4. The “Ultimate Edition” digital version has been released.

This work is a local cooperative party game developed by The Knights of Unity and can be played by up to 4 people. As a member of the Tools Up construction company, you must work with your friends to renovate houses to meet the different needs of tenants and build a huge apartment complex.

To do this, you have to perform various tasks over time for each level, such as painting, laying tiles, decorating wallpaper, picking up deliveries, and cleaning up afterward. Each level features unpredictable environmental elements that must be overcome through teamwork.

This definitive edition includes “Garden Party”, additional downloadable content (DLC) containing 45 levels. In this way, you can carry out missions such as building terraces, planting trees, caring for the lawn, and dealing with raccoons and moles as part of an outdoor renovation team in various contexts such as spring, summer and autumn.

There are also 45 levels available, with levels set in spring, summer and autumn as you become part of an outdoor renovation team as you build decks, plant trees, take care of lawns and deal with pesky raccoons and moles.

[더게임스데일리 이주환 기자]

#Digital #Touch #Tools #Launch #Ultimate #Edition