
Discrepancies in Baseball’s Automatic Ball Determination System Uncovered at KBO League Stadiums

Sports | baseball

Posted 2024-05-09 19:34:30

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[스포츠서울 | 황혜정 기자] “The automatic ball determination system (ABS) is different for each stadium.”

This has been claimed by several players, including Hanwha pitcher Ryu Hyun-jin. That claim has actually been proven. This is done through correct numbers.

The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) announced ‘ABS accuracy test results for all KBO League stadiums’ on the 9th. According to the published data, the ABS of the 9 stadiums showed an average difference of less than 4.5 mm up and down and left and right when comparing the difference between the coordinate values ​​of the pitch ball’s memory foam board and the ABS track results.

However, this is the paradox of averages. Although it is a small difference of less than 1cm, there is definitely a difference when comparing tracking values. This showed a difference in each stadium, with a large difference of 0.58 cm from left to right and 0.65 cm from top to bottom. KBO reported that this difference was not significant.

In particular, the Gwangju KIA Champions Field and Suwon KT Wiz Park, where many people expressed doubts in the field, showed the biggest gap in the accuracy test.

At the time of the exhibition match, KT coach Lee Kang-cheol said of the Gwangju stadium, “People around me said that the area around where the catcher is a little higher than other stadiums. “Having heard the story and seen it, it really looked like that.” KIA coach Lee Beom-ho also said, “(Based on right-handed batters) the ABS caught the difficult ball on the outside line that right-handed batters couldn’t hit.” In fact, as a result of the ABS tracking test in Gwangju, there was a difference of 0.5 cm left and right and 0.62 cm from top to bottom.

The decision that Hanwha Ryu Hyun-jin expressed his dissatisfaction with in the match at Suwon KT on the 24th of last month also makes sense compared to the figures released by KBO that day.

At the time, Ryu Hyun-jin complained, “The 3rd ball against Jo Yong-ho in the 3rd inning was low.” Then, the KBO revealed the abnormal ABS tracking values ​​and explained that Cho Yong-ho’s third ball in the third inning was judged to be a ball because it was 0.78cm below the strike zone.

According to Ryu Hyun-jin, the third ball against Cho Yong-ho at the time should have been a shot, but it ended up being a ball. According to the ABS zone standards at the time, the ball failed to pass the zone by 0.78 cm.

However, given that Suwon Stadium’s ABS accuracy test results showed a difference of 0.65cm above and below, Ryu Hyun-jin’s ball was likely to be judged a hit when seen with the naked eye.

There are arguments about how big the 1cm difference is, but on ABS, which checks if a zone passes by magnifying it 400 times, it’s a pretty big value. Even if the ball slightly passes the zone, it is considered a strike. Considering the diameter of a baseball is about 7cm, this is a significant number.

Doosan coach Lee Seung-yeop talked about the ABS accuracy tracking values ​​published by the KBO and said, “Players say that there is a difference in ABS depending on the stadium, so I hope the KBO will look a little more careful and reduce this difference. However, as this is the first year of implementation, I think it is only natural that there will be differences. “If we reduce the error little by little, everyone will be satisfied,” he said.

The KBO intends to listen deeply to the opinions of baseball fans and the field regarding ABS, and if improvements are needed, consult with the 10 clubs. They also announced that they plan to continue research into the exact workings of ABS.

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