
“Doctor Theerawat” reveals clear information, frequent naps, risk of dementia

The results of the study indicated that nap behavior during the day Is it a person’s character or does it take the place of poor sleep at night or having to wake up too early? this information is superficially uninteresting, but when combined with cardiac and metabolic health indices (cardiometabolic) is linked to obesity. High blood pressure, etc., and some genome sites associated with daytime naps were associated with orexin.

all of which laid the groundwork to show that sleep and waking are unusually varied In fact, it is a common phenomenon in dementia. which is different in each species But it is clearly Alzheimer’s dementia and it is a disorder of a group of neurons that are awakened by the toxic protein Tao as a causative agent.

In addition, the genetic code from the study of the human genome also determines the behavior of sleeping less, sleeping longer, choosing to nap during the day. and related to the health of the body in relation to the heart and blood vessels Just as we have known for a long time that the health of the body There is a direct link between cardiovascular, blood pressure, fat, weight and the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain Alzheimer’s. through the inflammatory process, etc.

However Let’s discuss an early 2022 study, in the journal Alzheimer’s Dement, from several US teams at UC San Francisco and Harvard Medical School, making assumptions based on previous knowledge. It can be concluded that the results of the study are more frequent during the day. Varies according to Alzheimer’s disease and pathology And the surprise (shock) is that the possible knowledge that frequent, prolonged naps during the day accelerates Alzheimer’s disease, although the effects of poor or poor night’s sleep are modified. It can be concluded that sleep during the day affects the risk of developing more diseases.

The program started in 2005 with a total of 1,401 volunteers, 1,065 women. The mean age threshold is 81.4 and is followed annually. by assessing brain performance or brain cost through cognitive examination, coexisting disease, etc. The study ended at the end of April 2020.

Conclusions for variability in brain disorders based on commonly used standard models ranged from mild MCI or mild and moderate to severe cognitive impairment, respectively.

Health and Behavior Sleep analysis at night variation that occurs total sleep duration Number of periods of lack of sleep and waking up after starting sleep volatility during the same day and different days At the start of the program, 75.7% of of the subjects any disorders related to dementia, 19.5% were at MCI level and 4.1% had dementia.

in normal people from the very beginning nap during the day It increases by an average of 11 minutes per year, but then when it is found to be progressing to MCI levels, snooze doubles to 24 minutes per day, and then increases to 69 minutes a day. At the same time, 24% of the volunteers who were normal to start their analysis. but developed Alzheimer’s Six years later, it was found that people who sleep more than an hour a day. They had a 40% higher risk of developing dementia compared to those who slept less than an hour a day. And people who took more than one nap a day had a 40% higher risk than those who took less than once.

The results of this study A 2019 study confirmed that older men who took a two-hour daytime nap were at greater risk of cognitive decline than those who took less than 30 minutes of naps a day. The results of this study are bidirectional. effective in both directions. Very demented, naps a lot. and naps during the day, greatly accelerating the deterioration of the brain

But still can’t decide which mechanism. that the nap during the day, too often, is too long for the question and In a country that has a tradition of snoozing afternoon afternoon How much will it affect? Will it need to be modified?

which in Spain has started to consider this issue and at the same time Naps during the day to compensate for insufficient or poor night’s sleep How long to sleep should be appropriate and, of course, it must be linked to a cardio-health system the body’s metabolism. (cardiometabolic). or each person’s genome or not How long do you sleep? sleep day or night that the brain is still good or not deteriorating

read here he would have come to a similar conclusion. along with the stubborn doctor When I’m sleepy, I can’t sleep, I can’t sleep, I do it. As for the doctor himself, it is not long before he sleeps for a long time and until then it is better to sleep.

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