
Don’t lose your old Xbox!Microsoft announced that “cloud games” will be on home consoles this year-Free Electronics News 3C Technology


Microsoft announced today at the Gamescom 2021 game show that its xCloud cloud gaming service will soon fully support Xbox game consoles, even for older models.

xCloud uses cloud computing to allow users to play 3A masterpieces through mobile phones and computers with unlimited specifications (with screen and internet required) on a monthly fee basis. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment. Microsoft’s next step is to Introduce the Xbox platform, including the next-generation Xbox Series X/S and the old Xbox One, allowing players to use their mobile phones outside and connect to home consoles at home.

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Through the cloud game service, users do not need to download games, which can save the capacity and waiting time of the console, and Xbox One players do not need to upgrade the console, and will be able to play a new generation of works on existing devices in the future. Microsoft will support 1080p and 60fps screens. It is expected to officially debut at the end of this year.

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